Auntie Meiyu

Auntie Meiyu

your trusted fact-checking confidant, helping you to identify fake news

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How can you discern fake news and rumours from credible information?
Getting lots of unknown friend requests? Worried about calling out to unknown numbers in messages?
Let Auntie Meiyu help you!

Group Chat Real-time Response

Group Chat Real-time Response

Add Auntie Meiyu into your group chat! She will silently lurk in the chat room and never interrupts your conversation. Auntie Meiyu will speak up only when she notices some questionable information being posted. She then provides verified information and helps you identify fake news.

1-1 private chat article search

1-1 private chat article search

Not getting any replies from Auntie Meiyu? Ask Auntie Meiyu directly about any specific news or articles with a private message. If there are no related news or sources, you can also contribute by reporting the rumor along with any revalant information.




Simply share a news article, or something that has been circulating on social media/messenging apps with Auntie Meiyu and immediately verify the claims against multiple databases.

<strong>Phone Number Check</strong>

Phone Number Check

Ask Auntie Meiyu about any number, and she'll help you run a check against Whoscall's database of over 1.6 billion numbers. Never get scammed by fraud numbers again!

<strong>Unknown LINE ID Verification</strong>

Unknown LINE ID Verification

Yet another friend request from an unknown person? Tell Auntie Meiyu, and she'll check with the Criminal Investigation Bureau database to see if the suspicious LINE ID is a scammer.

<strong>Info Leakage Check</strong>

Info Leakage Check

The amount of personal info getting stolen from companies is ever increasing, and your info could be part of a data breach as well. By checking your e-mail with renowned data breach checking website「Have I been pwned?」, know instantly if your information has been compromised, and take appropiate action to change your credentials.

About US

Auntie Meiyu was created by Taiwanese Programmer Carol Hsu at the end of 2018. Starting out as a LINE chatbot, the main purpose of the project was to aid friends and family in discerning fake news and rumors that are forever prevalent within the messenging app. After being recevied with great enthusiasim, the service was soon released to the public as well, and as of today enjoys a presence of over 300,000 users.
As the service exploded in size, the needed infrastructure and operational support ballooned as well. Recognizing the need for a reputable partner, Auntie Meiyu joined hands with Gogolook, the developer behind popular caller ID app Whoscall in 2020. With a united goal of providing safety and trust to users, the Auntie Meiyu service expanded it's offerings to offer even more complete protection to the general public.
Currently, the data sources that Auntie Meiyu draws from includes Gogolook's own phone number database, the Criminal Investigation Bureau's national database, renowned data breach checking website「Have I been pwned?」, fact-checking platform Cofacts, Taiwan FactCheck Center, and fact-checker MyGoPen.


Cofactshave i been pwned?MyGoPenTaiwan FactCheck CenterNational Police Agency,Ministry of the InteriorWhoscall


Q1. I can't invite Auntie Meiyu into group chats


You might already have a chatbot in the current group. Check the members and delete other robot accounts. After that, you can add Auntie Meiyu into group chats.

Q2. I can't get any response from Auntie Meiyu


Q3. Will Auntie Meiyu collect my information?


Q4. Will Auntie Meiyu listen to our conversation?
